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Repo git para arquitectura de aplicacones web 1C2018
In this project we built a basic OS to run a basic game. The OS is able to run 20 tasks concurrently at user level to host a game between two players.
The OS is implemented in C and ASM for intel.
Talleres dictados en la materia Ingenieria de Software I en Cs de la Computacion, Uba.
talleres realizados en smalltalk
Primer trabajo práctico de Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos III
Real mode MS-DOS compatible operating system, written in LLAMA and x86 Assembly.
Intel x86 ASM transpilable programming language with support for variables, conditional blocks and loops. Developed to aid the development of OrgaDOS.
Sistema operativo en modo real compatible con MS-DOS. TP Final de Organización del Computador 2.
LartIM chat protocol server written in Node.js
Notes & code from the "Control theory for self-adaptive software" course (ECI32 - 2018)
Implementación en C++ de un conjunto sobre skip list