Commit 914318a8 authored by ivan guralnik's avatar ivan guralnik
Browse files

cashier implementado

parent 4c628f75
!classDefinition: #CartTest category: #TusLibros!
TestCase subclass: #CartTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'TusLibros'!
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:08'!
self assert: self createCart isEmpty! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:45'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
should: [ cart add: self itemNotSellByTheStore ]
raise: Error - MessageNotUnderstood
withExceptionDo: [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = cart invalidItemErrorMessage.
self assert: cart isEmpty ]! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:43'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
cart add: self itemSellByTheStore.
self deny: cart isEmpty ! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:43'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
should: [cart add: 0 of: self itemSellByTheStore ]
raise: Error - MessageNotUnderstood
withExceptionDo: [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = cart invalidQuantityErrorMessage.
self assert: cart isEmpty ]! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:45'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
should: [cart add: 2 of: self itemNotSellByTheStore ]
raise: Error - MessageNotUnderstood
withExceptionDo: [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = cart invalidItemErrorMessage.
self assert: cart isEmpty ]! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:43'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
cart add: self itemSellByTheStore.
self assert: (cart includes: self itemSellByTheStore)! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:43'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
self deny: (cart includes: self itemSellByTheStore)! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:45'!
| cart |
cart := self createCart.
cart add: 2 of: self itemSellByTheStore.
self assert: (cart occurrencesOf: self itemSellByTheStore) = 2! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'support' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:48'!
^Cart acceptingItemsOf: self defaultCatalog! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'support' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:43'!
^ Array with: self itemSellByTheStore! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'support' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:44'!
^'invalidBook'! !
!CartTest methodsFor: 'support' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:43'!
^ 'validBook'! !
!classDefinition: #CashierTest category: #TusLibros!
TestCase subclass: #CashierTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'TusLibros'!
!CashierTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:15:36'!
| catalog cart cashier creditCard |
catalog := Bag new.
cart := Cart acceptingItemsOf: catalog.
cashier := Cashier acceptingItemsOf: catalog onTheDateOf: Date today.
creditCard := CreditCard withId: '123123123' andExpirationDate: Date tomorrow.
should: [cashier checkout: cart payingWith: creditCard]
raise: Error - MessageNotUnderstood
withExceptionDo: [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = Cashier canNotCheckoutEmptyCart.
].! !
!CashierTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:15:57'!
| catalog cart cashier product1 product2 creditCard totalPrice |
product1 := Object new.
product2 := Object new.
catalog := Dictionary new.
catalog add: product1->3.
catalog add: product2->7.3.
cart := Cart acceptingItemsOf: catalog.
cart add: product1.
cart add: product2.
cashier := Cashier acceptingItemsOf: catalog onTheDateOf: Date today.
creditCard := CreditCard withId: '123123123' andExpirationDate: Date tomorrow.
totalPrice := cashier checkout: cart payingWith: creditCard.
self assert: totalPrice = 10.3.! !
!CashierTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:19:08'!
| catalog cart cashier product1 product2 creditCard |
product1 := Object new.
product2 := Object new.
catalog := Dictionary new.
catalog add: product1->3.
catalog add: product2->7.3.
cart := Cart acceptingItemsOf: catalog.
cart add: product1.
cart add: product2.
cashier := Cashier acceptingItemsOf: catalog onTheDateOf: Date today.
creditCard := CreditCard withId: '123123123' andExpirationDate: Date yesterday.
should: [cashier checkout: cart payingWith: creditCard]
raise: Error - MessageNotUnderstood
withExceptionDo: [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = Cashier canNotCheckoutWithExpiredCreditCard.
]! !
!classDefinition: #Cart category: #TusLibros!
Object subclass: #Cart
instanceVariableNames: 'catalog items'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'TusLibros'!
!Cart methodsFor: 'error messages' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:45'!
^'Item is not in catalog'! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'error messages' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:45'!
^'Invalid number of items'! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'assertions' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 19:31:34'!
assertIsValidItem: anItem
(catalog keys includes: anItem) ifFalse: [ self error: self invalidItemErrorMessage ]! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'assertions' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:51'!
assertIsValidQuantity: aQuantity
aQuantity strictlyPositive ifFalse: [ self error: self invalidQuantityErrorMessage ]! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:48'!
initializeAcceptingItemsOf: aCatalog
catalog := aCatalog.
items := OrderedCollection new.! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:45'!
occurrencesOf: anItem
^items occurrencesOf: anItem ! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 19:23:56'!
^items copy! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:44'!
includes: anItem
^items includes: anItem ! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:44'!
^items isEmpty ! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'adding' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:44'!
add: anItem
^ self add: 1 of: anItem ! !
!Cart methodsFor: 'adding' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 18:42:49'!
add: aQuantity of: anItem
self assertIsValidQuantity: aQuantity.
self assertIsValidItem: anItem.
aQuantity timesRepeat: [ items add: anItem ]! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
!classDefinition: 'Cart class' category: #TusLibros!
Cart class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!Cart class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'HernanWilkinson 6/17/2013 17:48'!
acceptingItemsOf: aCatalog
^self new initializeAcceptingItemsOf: aCatalog ! !
!classDefinition: #Cashier category: #TusLibros!
Object subclass: #Cashier
instanceVariableNames: 'catalog date'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'TusLibros'!
!Cashier methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:25:19'!
cashinWithRest! !
!Cashier methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:25:12'!
checkout: aCart payingWith: aCreditCard
| totalPrice |
(aCart isEmpty) ifTrue: [self error: self class canNotCheckoutEmptyCart].
(aCreditCard isExpiredFrom: date) ifTrue: [^self error: self class canNotCheckoutWithExpiredCreditCard].
totalPrice := 0.
(aCart products) do: [ :product | totalPrice := totalPrice + catalog at: product].
self cashinWithRest.
^totalPrice! !
!Cashier methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:02:21'!
initializeAcceptingItemsOf: aCatalog withDate: aDate
catalog := aCatalog.
date := aDate.! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
!classDefinition: 'Cashier class' category: #TusLibros!
Cashier class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!Cashier class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:02:02'!
acceptingItemsOf: aCatalog onTheDateOf: aDate
^self new initializeAcceptingItemsOf: aCatalog withDate: aDate.! !
!Cashier class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 19:15:21'!
^'No se puede hacer checkout de un carrito vacio'! !
!Cashier class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:08:15'!
^'La tarjeta de credito esta expirada'! !
!classDefinition: #CreditCard category: #TusLibros!
Object subclass: #CreditCard
instanceVariableNames: 'id expirationDate'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'TusLibros'!
!CreditCard methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 19:56:08'!
initializeWithId: anId andExpirationDate: anExpirationDate
id := anId.
expirationDate := anExpirationDate.! !
!CreditCard methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 20:09:12'!
isExpiredFrom: aDate
^expirationDate < aDate! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
!classDefinition: 'CreditCard class' category: #TusLibros!
CreditCard class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!CreditCard class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 19:55:16'!
initliazeWithId: anId andExpirationDate: anExpirationDate! !
!CreditCard class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ig 6/7/2018 19:55:42'!
withId: anId andExpirationDate: anExpirationDate
^self new initializeWithId: anId andExpirationDate: anExpirationDate! !
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