Commit bf4c9e16 authored by Alvaro Machicado's avatar Alvaro Machicado
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parent b526f135
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Angular JS Demo</title>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src=''></script>
<div ng-app="angularTest" ng-controller="wysiwygeditor" class="container app">
<h1>Editor <small>{{versionNumber}}</small></h1>
<h1>Raw HTML in a text area</h1>
<textarea ng-model="htmlcontent" style="width: 100%"></textarea>
<!-- <h1>Bound with ng-bind-html</h1>
<div ng-bind-html="htmlcontent"></div> -->
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module("angularTest", [])
.controller('wysiwygeditor', ['$scope', function wysiwygeditor($scope) {
$scope.versionNumber = '1.3.11';
$scope.orightml = '<h2>Try me!</h2><p>textAngular is a super cool WYSIWYG Text Editor directive for AngularJS</p><p><img class="ta-insert-video" ta-insert-video="" src="" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" frameborder="0" height="250"/></p><p><b>Features:</b></p><ol><li>Automatic Seamless Two-Way-Binding</li><li>Super Easy <b>Theming</b> Options</li><li style="color: green;">Simple Editor Instance Creation</li><li>Safely Parses Html for Custom Toolbar Icons</li><li class="text-danger">Doesn&apos;t Use an iFrame</li><li>Works with Firefox, Chrome, and IE9+</li></ol><p><b>Code at GitHub:</b> <a href="">Here</a> </p><h4>Supports non-latin Characters</h4><p>昮朐 魡 燚璒瘭 譾躒鑅, 皾籈譧 紵脭脧 逯郹酟 煃 瑐瑍, 踆跾踄 趡趛踠 顣飁 廞 熥獘 豥 蔰蝯蝺 廦廥彋 蕍蕧螛 溹溦 幨懅憴 妎岓岕 緁, 滍 蘹蠮 蟷蠉蟼 鱐鱍鱕, 阰刲 鞮鞢騉 烳牼翐 魡 骱 銇韎餀 媓幁惁 嵉愊惵 蛶觢, 犝獫 嶵嶯幯 縓罃蔾 魵 踄 罃蔾 獿譿躐 峷敊浭, 媓幁 黐曮禷 椵楘溍 輗 漀 摲摓 墐墆墏 捃挸栚 蛣袹跜, 岓岕 溿 斶檎檦 匢奾灱 逜郰傃</p>';
$scope.htmlcontent = $scope.orightml;
$scope.disabled = false;
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