Commit d4fbe754 authored by Lartu's avatar Lartu 🐕
Browse files

Lartype can now be auto-update with -pull-update

parent e9338eef
......@@ -4,6 +4,19 @@ from subprocess import call
lartype_logo = ("\033[34;1m\\\033[37;1mLartype\033[33;1m.\033[0m")
if "-pull-update" in sys.argv :
print "Downloading latest "+lartype_logo+" version..."
call(["wget", ""])
print "Unpacking..."
call(["unzip", "-o", ""])
print "Finding installer..."
call(["sh", "lartype-master/install_lartype"])
print "Cleaning up..."
call(["rm", "-rf", "lartype-master"])
call(["rm", "*"])
call(["lartype", "-update"])
if "-init" in sys.argv or "-fix" in sys.argv :
if "-init" in sys.argv:
print "Initialized new " + lartype_logo + " project in " + os.getcwd()
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ var files_to_load=[]
texto = texto.replaceAll('.parallel20/', '</td>');
texto = texto.replaceAll('/parallel10.', '<td class="parallel10">');
texto = texto.replaceAll('.parallel10/', '</td>');
texto = texto.replaceAll('/todo.', '<div class="todo">');
texto = texto.replaceAll('/todo.', '<div class="todo">TODO: ');
texto = texto.replaceAll('.todo/', '</div>');
//Esto siempre va al final
......@@ -231,4 +231,6 @@ td .code_section{
color: #e67e22;
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